
Antoine Gazda with yin Gazda and myself

starting a great memorial project and documentary  hopefully will work out ok I met yin Gazda in 1986 we where the closest of friends and journeyed to many places indeed I found out about her grandad years later  I have seen the Gazda house in Vienna  well indeed I decided to make public the great achievements  of them both  already yin started the memorial project on her grandad a few years ago I decided to make it a reality history channel and or pbs will take up the documentary I therefore list one of yin’s films   Called Olympia this won world wide awards  so onward with these pictures My work will be the exhibits and found some good friends who has exhibits I started at international millitary antiques to others the cannon super store ,craig in New Zealand and a Greek Metal recycling  company that are very helpful a bronze plaque of there company will b...